This Arduino countdown timer project is a reverse timer. Its functionality is as follows: You can set the timer for up to 60 minutes, and when the set time is up, the relay on the project is activated. If you have connected a lamp or any other device to the relay, it will be turned on. (Reverse Timer with Arduino)
How to use the Arduino Countdown Timer Project
After building the project and providing a 12-volt input voltage, you can use two potentiometers to set the hour and minute on the project. Adjust them to the desired values for hour and minute settings. Then, press the microswitch labeled ‘set’ to confirm and set the hour and minute. After that, press the ‘launch’ button to start the project. When the set time is up, the relay will be activated. Additionally, three LEDs located near the potentiometers will indicate the project’s status.
List of components used
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