Electronics Project

0 to 30 Volt 3 Amp Power Supply Project

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With this project, you can have a 0 to 30 Volt 3 Amp Power Supply Project. It functions like a ready-made power supply, and it really gets the job done. The voltage and current are adjustable, allowing you to set the voltage from 0 to 30 volts and the current from 2mA to 3A. The output is stabilized and linear


This power supply has short circuit protection, which means that if a short circuit occurs at the output and the current exceeds the set limit, the LED on the power supply will turn on and notify us.


The transformer you need to use for this power supply should be 24 volts AC with an output current of 3 amps. If you do not adhere to this requirement for the power supply, it will not function properly.


0 to 30 Volt 3 Amp Power Supply Project


How to use the 0 to 30 volt 3 amp power supply project

After completing the project, you should place the 2n3055 transistor, which is used to amplify the output current, onto the heatsink and solder it to the Q4 section on the project board. This will ensure that the heat generated by the transistor does not damage the circuit board and prolongs the lifespan of the transistor.


0 to 30 Volt 3 Amp Power Supply Project


Afterwards, you should connect the output of the transformer to the input of the project, and then power up the transformer. Now, you need to calibrate the power supply output using the potentiometer RV1. Connect a multimeter to the power supply output and adjust the voltage using the potentiometer until the output voltage reads zero. If it’s not zero, you need to adjust the potentiometer RV1 until the multimeter displays zero voltage. Now you can use the power supply.


0 to 30 Volt 3 Amp Power Supply Project


List of components used


0 to 30 Volt 3 Amp Power Supply Project

0 to 30 Volt 3 Amp Power Supply Project


This project has:

3 months guaranteed support through ticket system

Money back guarantee in case of dissatisfaction ( according to the rules )

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